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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I also see my evaluating psychologist for therapy?

Unfortunately, due to ethical reasons we are unable to maintain "dual relationships" with claimants. However, we can provide you with great referrals to other clinicians in your area.

How long does an exam/appointment take?

The length of time will depend on your type of exam. Exams can run anywhere from 1 hour to 3 hours. You will want to verify with your Maryland DDS Service Coordinator before your appointment.

Can I have someone else in the room with me during my appointment?

Yes and No. There are two parts to the appointment. You may have someone in the room with you the clinical interview, but you may not have anyone with you during the psychological testing.

What happens after my appointment?

After your appointment, your evaluating psychologist will generate a report of findings and results to share with Maryland DDS. The report becomes a part of your disability application.

Does my evaluating psychologist make the final decision about my eligibility for disability benefits?

No. The decision is made my Maryland DDS office.

How long does it take for a decision to be made by the Maryland DDS office?

This is a question better suited for your Service Coordinator at the Maryland DDS office. The evaluating psychologist does not take part in the decision making process.

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